Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who wins the battle...

Today was filled with private lessons. They all went well and were a lot of fun, except the last one. The client had a German shepherd with whom he had done some police dog training. His problem was that once the dog would catch something, he wouldn’t let go anymore. Hans started working with the dog and as the dog had quite some character, it took him more time and energy than expected. It became a real fight between the 2 of them which was very painful to watch as the German shepherd just wouldn’t give up and Hans would never give up anyways. On top of all, a thunderstorm started but the 2 would keep on going in the rain and the lightening. Once it was over (Hans of course won the battle), Hans and the client started talking and as we had the feeling the lesson was over and we were freezing, hungy and a bit sad, we decided to go to my caravan for a cup of tea. Soon we got a message from Hans asking where we were. Anyways, we both proceeded to take a nap as it was raining non-stop and nothing else was on the agenda. When we saw Hans again for dinner, he was very upset at us and said that we had missed the key point of the previous lesson and also that in such difficult moments he would expect us to be on his side...after a good talk, another delicious dinner and 2 bottles of wine, we quickly became friends again...

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