Monday, May 18, 2009

Ciao Angelo...

Waking up today was tough after spending all weekend at the dog fair and driving back for 6 hours last evening! Anyways, we started with our 7 am 'Mustang' routine, had a nice breakfast with fresh eggs and croissants (which I bought in the village where I went BY CAR this time) and the 3-day seminar for 'difficult dogs' started. After lunch (pizza again!) Hans suggested that we participate in the seminar with our mustangs. Things went well untill we had to take them off the leash and go for a walk outside with the whole group. I could feel from the beginning that Angelo was waiting for the slightest motivation to run away and I was desperately trying to keep him close. And while I was not sure of myself and lost concentration for a second, there it already happened: he saw his brother and both decided to go for a quite energetic run in the fields before we could react...Hans said that we had to run after them in order to have the last word but hey, there was no way we could follow and we completely lost control! For the first time, Hans was not happy with me! The lesson is that if you don't believe in yourself 100%, the dog will feel it, don't take you seriously and take advantage...dogs don't compromise! They take a yes for a yes and a no for no and anything in between is applied stupidity (as Hans formulates it). Well, altough I was angry at myself, I for the first time really got the message...

1 comment:

  1. Hallo liebe Sonja,

    vielleicht habe ich es gerade doch geschafft, hier mit zu schreiben, über Bernds Google Account. (Also ich bins, Vera).

    Das ist also ein Test. ;-))

    Ich liebe es, Dein neues Leben im Detail zu verfolgen!!

    Liebe Grüße,
