Friday, May 22, 2009

Kastl in Bayern -day 1

Today we drove to Kastl, somewhere in Bayern, for a weekend seminar. The hotel turns out to be integrated with the butcher and you can smell the meat in every corner of the place. Especially for Caro (another trainee), who is vegetarian, this was a rather unpleasant surprise. Then we found out that one room was missing and that Martina and I had to share a room. We were not too unhappy as this place is slightly scary. It is rather dirty, old fashioned and we found a giant ant scrawling out of our mattress...

Once we settled in, we had to prepare the evening seminar which was taking place in the same hotel. 36 people joined and the talks went on until 11:30 pm. We then sat outside and enjoyed a bottle of red wine before we happily went to bed.

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