Sunday, May 3, 2009

Open doors...

Today the dog school opened its doors to the public. Around 40 people came accompanied by their dogs from many different parts in Switzerland and Germany. We first showed everybody around: the puppy house where Hans breeds his own breed called 'Malingo', the training areas and the different animals. Then Hans picked one of the guest's dogs for a demonstration of his training which happend to be a moderately aggressive Rottweiler. This basically took up the whole morning and we then proceeded to a nice barbeque in the garden. In the afternoon, Hans showed 2 of his police dogs as examples of a successful training. Then everybody got their dogs and they were all told to sit quietly while the owners would go away and each dog would sit about 2 meters away from another dog and surprisingly all dogs remained seated until the owners got back to them.

Now, everybody has left and I am again exhausted and will go for a relaxing walk with Paulo & Liwa.

For now I am quite overwhelmed with everything and need some time to get into into the rythm of this completely new way of life...There are moments I feel like a little alien and not quite like myself, unsecure...I am surprised since I am surrounded by everything I like: friendly people, nature and lots of dogs...But still, my inner voice tells me: 'Come on, Sonja, get yourself together, make an effort, don't act so weird...' I don't even know how to behave in front of Paulo & Liwa anymore as I become more and more aware of all the mistakes I am doing in handling them...I know that the moment I will start the training with them, not only their but also my life will change...We are not talking about a technical training to start with but with an attitude of life...I know, it's difficult to understand, hence my confusion...change always kicks you out of your comfort zone and this is what I was looking for...

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