Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer time...

Today we took it easy. It was a beautiful sunny day and we reached record temperatures of over 33 degrees. I did my regular routine with our mustangs in the morning while Martina slept over. Since there was nothing on the agenda, I decided to take another ride on my bike to get some croissants and breakfast stuff in the village. When I came back, Martina was up and was cleaning the car and once she was done we had a nice breakfast all together. Then Martina and I returned the car that we had borrowed to go to the seminar on the weekend and when we came back, I decided to go for a long walk with Paulo and Liwa. The 3 of us had a great time walking through the cool forest but on the way back, we had to walk in the sun and we soon started sweating a lot. We got to a river where the dogs happily drank some water and refreshed their paws. After about 2 hours of walking, we got really tired and we stopped in the shade of a big tree in the middle of a field. The 3 of us fell asleep, I don’t know for how long, but I suddenly woke up when Liwa started barking at something. We continued our walk and I was really happy when I finally arrived at home! Although I was looking forward to relax, Hans was already waiting for us to go and pick up his Range Rover that had been repaired in a garage about 1 hr drive away. On the way back, we stopped in town (Brugg) and I could finally buy a Swiss mobile phone. Martina and I did some shopping and had a cool beer in the shade and as always, the day ended with a delicious meal cooked by Hans!

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