Saturday, May 2, 2009

Early bird...

At 5 am Hans gives me a wake-up call. Not remembering where I am, all I can feel is something wet and stinky right next to me...yes, Liwa had a little accident...So waking up was not as idyllic as falling asleep! Although I am rather asleep than awake, I somehow get ready for a day in the very east of Switzerland where Hans is giving a seminar titled ‘Mensch – Hund Beziehung’ (human – dog relationship). We had 12 participants with 13 dogs and after a theoretical introduction in the hotel, we would go outside to do all kind of exercises with the dogs. The exercises turned out to be so efficient that by mid-day every single dog learnt how to sit quietly until he is told not to sit anymore and to walk next to his owner without a leash. Everybody was very happy with the results and the day ended successfully.

Hans, his young police dog Sirius and I then drove back. In the meantime, we got a message from Andrea who takes care of all the animals at the dog school that Liwa had escaped from her enclosure and was found trembling and waiting in front of my caravan and that even Paulo had tried to jump the fence. When I came back, they had both been tied up inside the dog school to prevent them from escaping again and to protect them from the rain and the cold as they are not used to it. I took them for a long walk in the rain and after a long cleaning procedure, let them into my caravan where they fall asleep immediately. And now, it is time for me to go to sleep too as tomorrow the school opens its doors to the public and Hans will for sure be waiting for me at 5 am (on a Sunday!!!)...

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