Friday, June 5, 2009

Vienna preparations...

Today we are leaving for Vienna as we are participating in a big animal exhibition, EXOTICA. It’s aprox. an 8 hr drive from Gansingen. We were supposed to leave at 9 am but as it is quite common with Hans, plans have changed over night: He decided to take his eagle and therefore we are now waiting for the public vet to fill out some papers...Also we will have to take the trailer which will add at least 2 more hours to our trip. So we are talking about a 10 hours drive now. Well, I took advantage of the extra time and went for a walk with Angelo, Paulo and Liwa. Liwa was not all happy to see Angelo again who on the other side seems quite attracted to her...In the end, we had a good walk and a very obedient Liwa who wouldn’t leave my side. More to Vienna, when I am back on Monday...

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