Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On the right track...

On the third day of the seminar, we had decided to start one hour earlier so that we could take the dogs and drive somewhere else to lay some tracks for them to follow. I was looking forward to it as Liwa seemed to like this. I took Liwa with me in the morning and had a coffee while Hans was packing some stuff into the car. After a while, everybody was ready and as we wanted to leave, I couldn’t find Liwa. Finally, Hans opens the back of his car and there she is sitting in a giant bowl of meat balls that Hans had prepared to lay the tracks!!! So Liwa had already been on the right track! As Liwa had eaten enough for the whole day (or 2), we had to leave her behind. Well, as you can imagine the rest of the day was quite boring for me...

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