Monday, June 15, 2009

Longieren-Bringen-Suchen seminar - day 1

Today a 3 day seminar started where different productive methods of entertaining your dog are presented. Surprise, surprise, Hans introduced me to everybody saying that I would explain and show most of the stuff. Great, I was not prepared but fortunately had my notes to get through the stuff. Well, I realized that I have to study and train much more...but it was a nice group and fun to work with them anyways. When the course was finished, I went back to the training field with Liwa to continue teaching her to stay ‘down’ while I go away. The aim is for her to stay down for 30 minutes while I am out of sight!!! Well, although she did a great job today (I could stay away for about 5 minutes at about 100 meters in her sight), I guess that the task is not over yet...and only once she can do this perfectly well, we will take the next step...


  1. I don't think you can get me to sit still for 30 minutes. Impossible I tell you, Impossible!!!!!

  2. Will try when you get here! Am getting very good at this :-)
