Monday, June 1, 2009


Today was a public holiday and Hans went to see his daughter Tanaya. However, he had left a message with Caro asking us to clean the windows of our dog’s kennel and the bathroom that we all use and to do some work with our mustangs. In the morning 2 new trainees appeared, Dieter and Michael. Just before lunch time, Hans came back with his daughter. Then Martina and I went to lunch with the new trainees thinking that the rest of the day was more or less off. So we started eating and drinking but after a while, Hans called saying that he was waiting for us. We all rushed back and had a briefing on how the next month will look like. Later on, Hans told Martina and me that we should take the dogs in the trailer and come with him to drop Tanaya home. We were not too happy as she lives quite far away (about 1.45h). He then explained that he would drop us in a city on the way so that we could walk the dogs while he drops Tanaya. Well, Hans picked us up about 2 ½ hours later and we arrived back home at 11 pm!

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