Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pit bull action...

Today was a public holiday and Martina and I had planned to sleep a bit longer, meet at about 9:30 for breakfast and then study together for our exam. As always, destiny had programmed something else for us. I got up at about 8:45 and with still half my pyjama on, opened the door of my caravan to let the dogs out for their ‘pipi time’ assuming that nobody would be around. What I didn’t know, is that there was a client waiting for Hans just in front of my caravan. As we already knew each other, she asked me if I had seen Hans as she was waiting for her lesson with him and nobody was in the office. I called Hans and as the office hadn’t informed him about the lesson, he was still sleeping and asked me to give the lesson myself! Well, I quickly got dressed and went back to the client. Now the next surprise was that she had two pit bulls who were aggressive against other dogs...Great, what to do? We put their muzzles on and I showed her how to behave on a walk when she crosses with other dogs. Then I got Paulo and walked towards her. Next thing I know is that the pit pull attacks Paulo with full speed. I throw the hose pieces at him in time and he goes back to his owner. Paulo of course is getting half of a heart attack with all this action...Anyways, we did the same kind of confrontation several times and finally the pit bull wouldn’t attack anymore. Then Hans joined and took out more dogs to confront. In the end we put the two pit bulls together with about 6 other dogs alone in a fenced area. Nothing happened anymore! After the lesson, Hans gave Martina, Carmen (who joined us for the next two days with her German Sheperd), a lesson with our dogs. And then finally, I could get breakfast and a shower, just before lunch time! We spent the rest of the day studying for our exam and then went for a nice dinner altogether to our favourite restaurant.

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