Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Liwa in action...

When I got up in the morning as usual, it felt strange as I had nothing to do! Angelo’s kennel was empty! Martina continued her daily routine: she walked Arthos, worked with him and Hans on the training field and cleaned the kennels...and I was just watching...The whole morning I was watching...I must admit that I learnt a lot by watching but I was missing Angelo...In the afternoon, Hans asked me to bring Liwa and I was finally back in action. We taught her how to go ‘down’ and stay down on the same spot while I would go away. As always, she learnt amazingly fast! Little Liwa would just stay on the middle of the field and wait for me without getting up; hard to imagine if you know this wibbly rat that would typically jump around and be out of control!Other people and their dogs need months to learn this but with Hans, it takes one afternoon! When I played with her and the hose, she attacked the hose with such passion that everybody agreed that Liwa will be a terrific future police dog...

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