Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Heart burn...

Today was a sad day. Angelo left to his new home in Tuscany. When his owners came to pick him up, I was just busy on the training field but could see from uphill how Angelo jumped into his new Porsche Cayenne...I didn’t really want to go down but then did so to be polite to his new owners. They were happy to see me and asked me for my mobile number in case they had any problems with Angelo. When they asked me if I wanted to say good-bye to Angelo, I denied as I had already said good-bye to him earlier when we were alone...and I also perfectly knew that I wouldn't be cabable of holding off my tears...Although I knew from the beginning that Angelo would leave, it broke my heart! In just one month we became best friends. It was a tough beginning and especially due to this, our relationship was even stronger now and I could hardly call him a ‘Mustang’ anymore but rather a ‘lamb’...Angelo would never leave me out of his sight and carefully follow every single movement I do, listen to everything I say, be best friends with Paulo, play his favorite game with all his passion where I would throw a hose and he would bring it back and be so incredibly gentle and sweet when I would snuggle him...knowing how we started off, this was such a beautiful experience...
Hans, who knew how sad I was (I know that he was at least as sad as I was and had slept with Angelo in his bed the night before!!), made sure to keep me busy that day. He put Martina and me in charge to handle an advanced course for people and their dogs who are preparing for an official Swiss exam. We were quite overwhelmed with the task but after a few initial difficulties, we managed quite well. By the time we were done, it was already nearly
9 pm and all I could think of was food, our obligatory 'most' (cider) and sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I can really imagine that it must have been sad... But thanks god you have Liwa and Paolo. Big hug to you!
