Tuesday, June 2, 2009

24hrs are not enough...

Today was a long and productive day! We started at 06:45 am as always from now on and I stopped working at 10 pm! First, we started off where we left the evening before: we took the dogs in the trailer once again, drove to the other side of the mountain as the sun was shining on that side already and we played with our mustangs. Then, for the rest of the morning, Hans was busy and Martina and my task was to teach the new trainees some basics in dog training. In the afternoon, Hans taught us some new stuff that we need to know for our exam that will take place at the end of June and then we assisted Hans for his evening course where he prepares a group of people for the ‘Schweizer Halterpruefung’, an official exam for dog owners in Switzerland, developed and managed by Hans. In between all those activities, we walked our mustangs several times, I went bicycling with Paulo and Liwa, I also walked them and we ate some wild cherries from the trees, Martina and I prepared a Greek salad for everybody at lunch time , I tidied up my caravan and I did several training sessions with Paulo and Liwa to teach them how to sit quietly...Now, my feet are full of blisters and I can barely walk and I am quickly going to sleep as tomorrow we have an early start again...

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