Thursday, June 18, 2009

Puppy time...

Today we had another seminar on how to have your dog run in a circle (like horses). It was so hot outside that we finished earlier as dogs and dog owners just couldn’t take it anymore. Then Martina and Hans had the idea to go to a well-known breeder who breeds ‘Riesenschnauzer’. They are bread for mainly people who are into dog sports or protection training and are therefore very strong, athletic dogs with a lot of impulse. So Hans was interested to buy one and Martina too as she didn’t have a dog before and needed one for her training. The only challenge was that this breeder was located in Germany, about 460 km away from Gansingen. As there are no barriers for Hans, we went anyways and arrived there after a 4 ½ hour drive at about 9:30 pm. We were greeted by 3 cute 12 week old female puppies. They were really self-confident and energetic and within a few minutes my trousers were full of holes thanks to their sharp little puppy teeth. Hans was trying to convince me to take the third puppy as I would need a sports dog like this if I wanted to become a professional dog trainer. Well, they were cute but when I saw the parents, I definitely stopped thinking about taking one. They were HUGE and powerful dogs, and although they were friendly, it was obvious that they need a really firm and professional hand to be kept in control! Maybe in the future...but for now Paulo and Liwa keep me busy enough! The breeder was a real character too! She told us about how friendly and nice her dogs are and at the same time showed us all her scars from when she was bitten. Also she told Martina that she should immediately buy a electric collar to stop the dog from hunting...When she saw that Martina was a bit hesitant about taking a puppy, she said that she shouldn’t worry as she could just hit the dog on the head if he was not behaving well...She wouldn’t stop telling us all these stories about biting dogs and how she won so many competitions and finally we left the place at midnight with two puppies. It was a loooong drive back and I was holding Hans puppy on my lap which was crying non-stop. We reached home at about 4:30 am and I was happy to fall asleep with Paulo & Liwa, my two lambs...


  1. OMG, so cute and naughty... ;-) Well maybe two doggies already are enough, I agree with you. ;-) It is so heartbreaking when these puppies are crying when you get them, I remember with my dog Ally it was the same. She was crying the whole way back home and then-totally exhausted-fell asleep immediately in a dark corner somewhere in the house. Poor doggies...

  2. Hey, wann kommen wieder neue Nachrichten? Vermisse Neuigkeiten! :-)
    Liebe Grüße,
