Thursday, August 27, 2009

Heavenly holiday in the mountain of angels...

My daily writing was again interrupted by so many events...The most exciting of all was our trip to Engelberg. Suhail came to see me from Abu Dhabi and we rented a car in Gansingen, took the dogs and drove to the mountains. As we were meeting our friend Roger in Engelberg who hadn’t arrived yet, we decided to kill some time and walk around the ‘city’, 4 times we walked forth and back as we realized that the ‘city’ was not really huge...We then took a cable car to go high up to the mountains Fuehrenalp. We were excited as the dogs had never been in the mountains or in a cable car.They acted like they had done this every day of their life...Liwa particularly enjoyed new smells and textures and suddenly came back totally black and with a disgusting smell...yes, she rolled in some ‘freshly made’ cow shit...Paulo got ‘high’ running around like crazy while Suhail and I were getting high in our own way above the clouds...

Later on we met Roger and stayed the first night at his wonderful ‘Alpenhouse’ in the valley of Engelberg. The house is surrounded by open fields and the dogs had a great time running around and discovering the area while we were enjoying the Swiss ‘suure Most’, some kind of apple cider. As Roger shares the house with his brother and wife who have 3 boys, Paulo was delighted to play with the boys while Liwa was hunting mice in the fields. We also discovered that both dogs are passionate about playing Frisbee. They would run forth and back between us hunting the Frisbee without getting tired until the thing landed on the rooftop! Also they were quite interested in the kittens that were kept in Roger’s house but we made sure that they wouldn’t use them as a ‘Frisbee’ replacement...Eventually, they got to hunt the kitten’s mother around who in her desperation jumped against the closed kitchen window...Well, I guess there is still some training to be done...

The next day we took off for a half day excursion climbing up the mountains with the aim to go swimming in natural glacier water pools. Well, even for the dogs this water was too cold for swimming and while the guys were proving how brave they were by jumping into the water, I and the dogs took a little nap in the field. In the late afternoon, we checked into our luxury suite in the Alpenclub hotel. This was Suhail’s surprise for me: a fantastic mountain style suite including a whirlpool that changes the colour of the lights in the water every few seconds, a high wooden cealing, a cosy fire place and a mega modern bathroom with a shower where the blue shimmering water is coming from the ceiling like a waterfall...loved it! Although the hotel at first told us that dogs were not allowed, they finally agreed under the condition that the dogs would not go on the sofa or the bed. The first thing they did was of course to jump onto the bed like it was theirs and they loved it as it was big and soft...Thus, while I was removing the dogs from the bed and tying them up in the entrance, Suhail was taking care of the champagne. When we cheered, I held up the glass into the light showing Suhail the steady bubbles coming up telling him that this was an indication for a good champagne. Suhail seemed a bit weird and then asked me if I could see anything else in the champagne than just bubbles...And then I saw something shiny in the bottom of the glass...Well, I guess I don’t have to explain what exactly this was...

We spent the last day of our romantic holiday at a beautiful mountain lake. This is where Paulo got to know the mountain cows. When he saw the water he immediately ran to the beach but he hadn’t taken into consideration that this beach was the cow’s territory. Soon one cow came running towards him and when Paulo finally noticed the cow just in front of him he nearly got a heart attack and started running for his life...In his panic he even managed to climb a nearly vertical hill and then hid behind us with his tail between his legs. From now on he would make a huge detour each time we would meet other cows...Here, the water was cold but ‘swimmable’ and when we found a ‘cowless’ beach, we all went for a refreshing bath. Liwa was extremely busy diving for enormous stones that were half the size of her own body. She would put her entire head inside the water and then carry them to the beach. After a short amount of time, she had a whole collection. As for Paulo, he regained his self confidence and started exploring again. Suddenly, we heard a really loud squeak coming from him. Poor Paulo, in his curiosity, he wanted to cross a small bridge which was closed with a fence and when he got to close with his long nose, he got hit by the electricity...and again he came running towards us with his tail between his legs...He seemed to have made the connection with me punishing him for running too far away and wouldn’t leave my side anymore. Well, this was not Paulo’s lucky day as the events continue: To go back down into the village, we rented some sort of a bike (see the picture) and the dogs of course had to run down all the way on the road. At first Paulo was even faster than we were but after a while he wouldn’t want to move anymore and I had to wait for him all the time. Once in the village, I understood why: he had hurt all his paws from running that fast on the road...For the next few days, he would walk like on eggs, like a 15 year old dog...

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