Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bye bye...

I always enjoy meeting great people on the Laubberg. But unfortunately, great people come and great people leave again...And today everybody left at the same time. Caro had been here for 6 weeks to help Hans taking care of the animals and in the office and Andre had been here for a one month internship. It was a good team, Caro played a key role in planning and event mangement and would efficiently keep us all up to data on a daily level. Also I wouldn't need an alarm clock anymore as she would start taking out the dogs at 5:30 am and this is when the barking concert would start and Sonja would slowly but surely wake up...Andre put all his energy and passion in taking care of the animals, building training tables, painting, cutting grass, whatever was needed. Every morning he was there at 7 am and would leave at about 8 pm and his positive energy would spread around...It is truly refreshing to be surrounded by motivated and positive people who follow their heart...We had a delicious good bye barbeque accompanied by an impressive sun set and are looking forward to all meet very soon on the magic Laubberg again...

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