Saturday, August 1, 2009

early morning riders...

With Hans we decided to go for a morning ride, him with the horse, Caro with the pony and me with the 'Drahtesel' (iron donkey: bicycle). Of course, our dog pack was allowed to join the early moring riders: Hans dogs, Sirius, Kirac and Sedona and my dogs Paulo, Liwa and Angelo. It was amazing to see the dogs in the pink light of the sun rise running free and full of energy in the juicy fields...Even Liwa with her short legs would keep up with the pace and make sure not to miss out on any action and Paulo would have a lot of fun running with full speed behing the horses to scare them...

As we all very much enjoyed the ride, we decided to do the same the next day. This time, Hans and Caro went for a short ride and since I was eager to discover a new track that Hans had shown me the day before , I took off on my own with Angelo, Paulo and Liwa. We went onto a path in the middle of the forest on top of the mountain and it was again an amazing experience: we saw the first sun rays coming through the tall trees, a fox crossing our way and a lot of dear. I was happy to see that Angelo would always stick next to my bike instead of going for a hunt. As for Paulo and Liwa, they were busy with keeping up the pace...

I must admit that I had a tough time getting up at 5:30 in the morning but it is definetely worth the effort...

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