Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crazy Billy...

I have a new dog! But just for a few weeks...:) His owner dropped him yesterday as he couldn't handle him anymore and Hans put me in charge to train him. He is a friendly, 1 1/2 year old long-haired German Sheperd. The only problem seems to be that his owner cannot hold him or call him back anymore when they meet other dogs because Billy wants to greet them and that he is very nervous in areas that he doesn't know. So the owners aim is to be able to call him back in every situation. He is a funny dog because he would stick to my leg like glue when we went for the first walk and not let me out of his sight for one second and then, when we arranged for another dog to meet us, he was gone so fast that I didn't have any time to react whatsoever!! However, the second encounter was already much better, probably because I now knew what to expect and he nicely sat next to me while the other dog was passing by...

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