Saturday, October 31, 2009

My trip back to the desert...

I was impressed about how smooth the whole check-in of the dogs was at Zurich airport! When in Dubai it had taken us about 2 ½ hours to check them in, here, it took me about 15 minutes! I just had to go to ONE office (in Dubai we had to run from one place to the other) where they were already expecting me with all the documents ready (in Dubai I had to fill out a million different papers, get stamps etc.) and all I had to do is to deliver the dogs and pay the bill. So I ended up being at the airport far too early which doesn’t happen to me too often...I have travelled a lot and I experienced that you can get a pretty good picture of the country where you are going to looking at the crowd queuing at the gate. Usually, the crowd going to Dubai would be quite weird, some people talking Arabic, huge Indian families, tourists that had no idea where they were going, wannabees, business men looking to sell something...a weird mix of people...This time however, I felt quite comfortable in this crowd and I didn’t have the feeling that I was going to some weird place. I must admit that I was relieved. In the plane, I got to sit next to a really nice guy who was going on a business trip and we had a nice chat. Indeed, I was in a much better mood than expected. So the whole trip was very smooth until I arrived in Dubai. I couldn’t find Suhail in the airport and it took my more than 30 minutes to get my phone to work so I could call him. However, when I called him, his phone was off...So what to do? I had to pick up the dogs, this clearly was my priority. Thus, I took a cap to go to the cargo terminal and the taxi driver who was not happy to do such a small trip, just dropped me in the middle of the cargo terminal together with my 40 kg of luggage...and there I was, not knowing where to go and not being able to move because of all the luggage. Well, somehow I managed to make my way through and after 2 hours!!!!! I finally find Suhail who was in the final process of getting the dogs. After a total of 2 ½ hours Paulo and Liwa are released and since it’s the middle of the night we are all happy to finally go home...

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