Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bye-bye Laubberg...

Well, I don’t know exactly where to start with this last story from the Laubberg, but I will start with the end of it: I got back to my caravan at 2 am with 3 eagle feathers in my hair...maybe it doesn’t sound so funny but I keep on looking at myself in the mirror and I can’t stop laughing when I see myself with all those feathers in my hair...Well, the crazy thing is that tomorrow morning I am flying back to the desert and I haven’t finished packing yet...maybe now I think it’s funny but I am sure that tomorrow morning when I wake up at 5 am, it’s not that funny anymore...Anyways, I had a fantastic last evening...I was in the middle of getting ready for tomorrow’s flight, when Hans came to my caravan...I then joined him in the dog school to take care of the last details before my departure and then we started having some wine, some good talks and finally we ended up going to the Italian restaurant to have some food. And after having some food, we had some digestives... I was very happy to see Pasquale, the restaurant’s owner, who had been seriously ill in hospital lately. Now he was back to work and he sat down with us and we had a really great time. I just realized that in this little village I made so many friends...Pasquale, from the Italian restaurant always making a very special pizza for me, Sonja, from the Baeren (another village restaurant)who already would bring food and drinks without asking because she knew my taste, Hans, my crazy but genius teacher, Bryndis, the Viking Goddess, Patricia with her ‘Kletten’(2 very charming Goldies that would never leave her side), Andre, who always has a smile on his face and works 7 days a week, Gabi, Billy’s owner who came to say goodbye with a homemade cake and a photo of Billy, her dog that I trained during 2 months...Leopold who always traded some delicious Lindt chocolate against a kiss, Martina who came by to give me some cream for Paulo’s ears as he wouldn’t stop scratching himself...I feel loved and I love this place and it’s people...and tomorrow I am leaving to start my new life in the desert...I have a good way but I am not sure if I will fit in the place where I am going to...Let’s see, after all, it is my wish and my decision to go back and start a new life...good night, Laubberg, I love you!

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