Monday, October 12, 2009

Liwa's last hunting experience...

We went on our usual autumn, foggy morning walk except that this time I had taken along my camera to shoot some pictures for the blog. We went all the way on the top of the Laubberg which is about 30 minutes walking until you reach the 645 meters. While I was taking pictures, Liwa probably saw something more interesting, and after a while I realized that she had gone. I called her a couple of times, but nothing, she was gone. So I thought a second about what to do and decided to leave her behind. Although we were quite far, I knew that Liwa is very good at finding her way back home and I thought it would probably have a great effect on her when she comes back and I am not there anymore. I walked all the way back home and Liwa didn’t come. Then I went to the school to have a coffee and suddenly Hans opens the door and tells me that someone is looking for me quite desperately...Liwa was back, completely exhausted with her tongue on the floor and whining like crazy when she saw me! Well, it was the right thing to do because since then, she keeps an eye on me constantly. The other day she stayed behind just a few meters and then I turned into a little path into the forest. Suddenly I see her panicking, turning around and running full-speed back towards the caravan as she thought that she had lost me. When I called her, she realized where I was, changed direction and came back immediately and wouldn’t leave me out of her sight...

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