Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Xmas visit to the Laubberg...

Since I didn’t get to spend too much time with my friends & family while I was in Switzerland, I went back to Germany for Christmas. Together with my mum we decided to spend a weekend in Gansingen, mostly because I had to pick up some stuff which I had to leave behind because I had too much luggage but also because I wanted to buy training material for all my training sessions and because I had been fighting with Hans over the email which had left a very bad after taste. We chose the coldest weekend with minus 15 degree Celsius but despite everyone telling us not to go, I very stubbornly stuck to my plan. Once we arrived, we immediately drove up the Laubberg which was completely covered in snow and BEAUTIFUL and it was a truly nice feeling to be back and to see everyone: Hans the lonely wolf, Andre the trainee, Andrea the dog trainer, Claudia who takes care of the animals, teacher the fox who lives next to my caravan, Sedona (Hans ‘Riesenschnauzer’ who is not so much of a puppy anymore) etc. Angelo was finally gone and with his new owner. Once I picked up everything we drove down to the village and checked into the ‘Baeren’, my favourite local hotel restaurant. Soon after, Hans the lonely wolf and Bryndis the Viking goddess joined us there for a fun filled steak meal with lots of ‘Most’ and wine...Hans and I stopped fighting from this moment and this surely made this trip invaluable...

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