Monday, April 13, 2009

True love...

My JRT, Liwa (a.k.a. the super dog) risked her life last weekend when we went on a 3-day Easter boat trip just to get back to me. The story is as follows: We had anchored our boat just about 25 meters off the beach of our favorite island. We would go on and off the shore with our dingy and as it was a windy day with strong currents, somebody would always stay on board to make sure our boat wouldn't just drift away. After lunch, as everybody decided to go for a nice walk to swim on the other side of the island which was much calmer, I decided to stay on board. So my boyfriend Suhail, our friends (Alex and Prisca) and our two dogs (Liwa & Paulo) left the boat and dissappeared on the island. I was cleaning the interior of the boat and listenting to loud music. After about 30 min. I went outside and as I looked down into the water, just by coincidence, there she is, Liwa swimming against the current and the wind, struggeling to reach the boat. Her tiny head was being covered by the waves every few seconds and you could see that she was running out of strenghts as she was swimming but not coming any closer due to the strong currents. I got ready to jump into the water but as she saw me, she managed to give it a final push and finally managed to come close enough so I could pull her out of the water. Even for a person it would have been a challenge to swim all this way with these weather conditions but this tiny little dog who doesn't really like to swim unless it is absolutely necessary, made it all the way just to come back to me!

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