Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The beginning...part 2

So I started doing some research on interesting jobs connected to the animal world...and all of a sudden it dawned on me that I want to become a dog trainer! And it was not just some idea, no, I was convinced that this was the right thing to do without having ANY doubts (which is a great feeling to have!). Why? I don't really know except that I very much enjoy spending time with my dogs and that I believe that especially in this part of the world there is a considerable disconnection between humans and dogs or the nature in general. You can be a dog trainer in many different ways, you can train family dogs, police dogs, movie dogs etc. and more importantly you can train them using different kind of methods. You can train dogs in a very technical way or you can try to establish a mental connection and learn their way of communicating. The latter, is what really attracted my attention. I do not want dogs to become littel robots that obey because they want a treat or even out of fear; the most interesting part is how to establish a connection with the dog and how to be able to communicate, how to establish a mutual beneficial relationship. This is when I came across Hans Schlegel who is known as the 'Swiss dog whisperer'. His speciality is to train police dogs worldwide, not using conventional methods but using his own style by working with mental energy, connecting with the dogs mostly without treats or punishment. The more I would read about him, the more I was convinced that this is what I want to learn. So I got in touch with him and after a few phone calls and email exchanges I visited him in Switzerland. What I could see in just two days there, was beyond my expectations...We connected well immediately and I got to assist in a number of training sessions what led me to my final decision: I will be Hans Schlegel's student for 6 months and work with him side by side. This will be a great insight for me and hopefully lead me onto the right path of life...

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