Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Doggy boot camp...

The most important point of my action plan was to initiate my dog training business. The second most important point was to keep me and my dogs fit. For the first month, I opted for ‘boot camp’. This is a military kind of workout where a group of crazy enough people get together to work out for 1 intense hour on the beach while it’s still dark at 6 in the morning. It’s tough and you often reach your limits but that’s what I like about it. The negative aspect here was that I soon got very tired: I had go get up at 5 in the morning, work out from 6-7, rush back home to walk and feed the dogs, have a quick shower and get changed, go to my first dog training session from 8 to 9 and then finally have breakfast at about 9:30. This felt like a whole working day to me already and by 10 am I was literally ready to go back to sleep...So by 9 in the evening I was definitely ready to go to bed...due to this, another rather negative side effect was that Suhail soon decided to sleep in a different room as he didn’t want to be disturbed so early in the morning and wouldn’t like to disturb me in the evening when I would go to sleep so much earlier than him...At the same time, since boot-camp was only 3 times a week, the days in between I would get up at the same time in the morning and lunge my dogs in the park (have them run in a circle). This was a nice and idyllic activity especially since Suhail started to join me and while I was having my dogs run in a circle in the middle of the park, he would sit on the bench and draw. I thought that this was pretty romantic even though we were sleeping in separate rooms...

Well, soon (after aprox. 1 month) this routine changed. Since I was getting much busier than I thought I would in such short amount of time, I had to save time and energy to be able to focus on my dog training sessions. So I decided to go jogging every morning with the dogs before the first lesson. And this turned out until now to be the perfect solution: I still get up early (part of the action plan), keep fit but now, the exercise is less intense and the best part of it is that at the same time Paulo & Liwa get to exercise too which makes me save time, so it’s like 2 in 1! Also it turns out that it is an excellent way of enhancing teamwork and cooperation with the dogs. It seems that we have created our own type of boot-camp: doggy boot camp...

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