Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Paulo & Liwa don't want to miss out...

We were getting ready for another seminar, this time in Hamburg. So in the morning I decided to clean the car and then load it with all the material we need for the seminar. This time I had to leave Paulo & Liwa behind as it was a long trip with a busy schedule. It seemed that they both knew exactly what was going on and would use any opportunity to jump into the car. Even when I was hoovering it from inside, they would just be in my way and then follow me wherever I would go to make sure they don't miss out on anything. Once we were ready to leave, I had to kick them out of the car again and close them into my caravan and then we left. Well, Liwa apparently got very upset when she first realized that I was gone without her and decided to take revenge. Every day and night she would place a nice little black sausage inside the caravan and then she would take out whatever she could find: cigarettes, papers, pluesch animals etc. This is something that she would ususally never do. And then when Claudia or Andre (they are the people taking care of Hans animals on the Laubberg) would come and want to walk them, Liwa would just escape and run back to the caravan to make sure she wouldn't miss me coming home. Also she decided to sit on the toilet flush so she could better see outside the window untill there was no water left and the caravan got flooded!! Well, when I came back she got half of a heart attack and I couldn't calm her down for the rest of the day! She would follow me absolutely everywhere and just like a little watch dog make sure to sit in front of each door that I would close behind me untill I would come out again. Paulo however, had a great time. He followed Andre everywhere and enjoyed scaring the horses, lying in their stable and steeling food. This is one of the reasons, my caravan looked like a stable when I came back. The next morning when I was back, he also made sure to wake me up very early so he wouldn't miss Andre's first walk together with the other dogs. Funnily enough though, he only joins me for walks with an aprox. 30 meters distance. He follows me but stays far behind. That's a new thing he does and maybe his way to take his little revenge on me leaving him behind...

1 comment:

  1. OH...MY...GOD. I would have freaked out....

    Hugs from
