Friday, March 18, 2011

A dog's life...

What does a dog’s life usually consists of? Well, the answer is pretty easy: sleeping, eating and walking…I have been thinking about this these past days as I felt that I was slowly but surely becoming a dog myself: being 2 months pregnant and therefore having had a 3 week break from work, my life all of a sudden looked very similar to my dog’s lives: we would get up together in the morning and go for an extended walk on the beach which all 3 of us would enjoy in his own way: Paulo would follow his usual path, ‘reading the dog’s newspaper’ or in other words, keeping informed of who was here and leave his mark behind and then proceed to find a convenient spot on the beach to enjoy his daily swim. Liwa would prefer to jump around on the rocks near the sea and sniffle out the rats that would hide underneath or roll in a rotting fish lying around. Meanwhile, I would walk on top of a big wall stretching along the sea enjoying the fresh sea breeze and trying to spot dolphins…On the way back, we usually meet Marianna and Colin, our neighbour with her massive Weimaraner male dog. So while our dogs would proceed with their usual greeting ceremony, Marianna and I would have our quick morning chat. Once back in the marina before hopping onto our boat, we would first have to get rid of all the sand on our feet/paws and get hosed up. Then we all would have just one thought: drink half a litre of water and have breakfast! And what would happen after breakfast? Well, exhausted from all the walking and eating, we would all pass out on the sofa for our first nap of the day! What a dog’s life…